Okay, obviously this is tongue in cheek.
However, in answer to your question, I decide. It's my topic.
Maybe we make it a little tougher and tell them to explain it without using Fred Franz in their answer.
line up all the elders in the world.
as they pass by give each elder who can explain the 'overlapping generations' ten dollars.
each elder that cannot explain the 'overlapping generations' has to give you one dollar.
Okay, obviously this is tongue in cheek.
However, in answer to your question, I decide. It's my topic.
Maybe we make it a little tougher and tell them to explain it without using Fred Franz in their answer.
line up all the elders in the world.
as they pass by give each elder who can explain the 'overlapping generations' ten dollars.
each elder that cannot explain the 'overlapping generations' has to give you one dollar.
when was the last time anyone recalls hearing the word 'remnant', in meetings or conversation?
is it something still discussed?
[i haven't attended in 20 years, so no idea].
when was the last time anyone recalls hearing the word 'remnant', in meetings or conversation?
is it something still discussed?
[i haven't attended in 20 years, so no idea].
When was the last time anyone recalls hearing the word 'remnant', in meetings or conversation? Is it something still discussed? [I haven't attended in 20 years, so no idea]
When I was young we had one of the 'remnant' in our congregation in Burnaby, B.C. When I was 15 my mother asked me to temporary pioneer [or was it vacation pioneer?] for a summer, to encourage Br. Harold Franske, one of the 'remnant'. I went in service with him just about everyday. [ The only thing I can remember from that summer was him showing me how a good janitor puts a curve in a broom handle, over time, by bearing down hard. "That's how you really clean a floor. Pushing hard on the handle. That makes the broom head sweep better." He had a janitor business. He showed me the broom handles in his work van. They had curves in the handles.
Anyway, I would come home and think, " Wow! He's one of the 'remnant'. I'm working with one of the 'remnant'."
I can just imagine Governing Body member Mark Sanderson speaking with awe about the 'remnant' when he was younger. Now he are one. Must take the awe away when you are one yourself. Especially working with the likes of Morris lll and Lett.
top of formhttp://www.pravoslavie.ru/english/78966.htm.
jehovahs witnesses do not need a search for the truth.
artem grigoryan.
This is the really creepy part. Mom, Sis and Granny taking pictures for the family album.
now, 80-85 years later, we are still here.
if i was to do the counsel with a brother who had this much experience, i would have just thanked him for doing the talk, and marked him good on the point.
this is a good way to get money though.
fulltimestudent said '...My paradise - what more could I ask for?...'
will just post the general findings by counsel for the commission (angus stewart) - case specific ones are prior to them.
in short, absolutely damning.. not been through every submission myself yet.
available for download here: http://www.childabuseroyalcommission.gov.au/case-study/636f01a5-50db-4b59-a35e-a24ae07fb0ad/case-study-29,-july-2015,-sydney.aspx.
punkofnice said '...Stunning! Say no more, squire! Mr Jackson is a liar. Dr Applewhite ia a liar. the whole darn kit and kaboodle of the watchtower is a lie..'
the Watchtower's submission states on page 139
'...11.82 Counsel Assisting’s suggested finding F73:
F73 Dr Applewhite’s report is therefore rejected. For the reasons provided in paragraphs 9.400 to 9.401, the finding should read: Dr Applewhite’s report is therefore accepted ...'
It appears as if someone 'just doesn't get it' !
will just post the general findings by counsel for the commission (angus stewart) - case specific ones are prior to them.
in short, absolutely damning.. not been through every submission myself yet.
available for download here: http://www.childabuseroyalcommission.gov.au/case-study/636f01a5-50db-4b59-a35e-a24ae07fb0ad/case-study-29,-july-2015,-sydney.aspx.
in the uk the bbc show strictly come dancing has this season been plagued by the greasy slime ball that is peter andre.. for those who are fortunate enough to not know who he is, he's a one hit wonder, married a model with extremely plastic front bits, now to be found on what ever z list tv programmes will have him, he advertises for the supermarket iceland which is where the chavs go to shop, he is extremely in love with himself oh and he was brought up a jw.. thankfully tonight common sense has prevailed and the stupid twat has been booted off the show!.
or does anyone else feel the same?.
btw can you tell... i really don't like him?